Goddard's rocket Model

State variables:

  • Velocity: $x_v(t)$
  • Altitude: $x_h(t)$
  • Mass of rocket and remaining fuel, $x_m(t)$

Control variables

  • Thrust: $u_t(t)$.


  • Rate of ascent: $\frac{d x_h}{dt} = x_v$
  • Acceleration: $\frac{d x_v}{dt} = \frac{u_t - D(x_h, x_v)}{x_m} - g(x_h)$
  • Rate of mass loss: $\frac{d x_m}{dt} = -\frac{u_t}{c}$

where drag $D(x_h, x_v)$ is a function of altitude and velocity, gravity $g(x_h)$ is a function of altitude, and $c$ is a constant. These forces are defined as: $D(x_h, x_v) = D_c \cdot x_v^2 \cdot e^{-h_c \left( \frac{x_h-x_h(0)}{x_h(0)} \right)}$ $g(x_h) = g_0 \cdot \left( \frac{x_h(0)}{x_h} \right)^2$


Objective: Maximize $x_h(T)$.

State Constraints: For this probelem there are no state constraints

Input Constraints: For this problem there are no input constraints

Path Constrains: For this problem there are no path constraints

Integral Constraints: For this problem there are no integral constraints

Start code

Include the necessary packages. JuMP is required to setup various configurations while Ipopt is the solver to be used. Technically all other nonlinear solvers available throught JuMP can be used but those have not yet been tested.

# include("../src/DirectOptimalControl.jl")
# import .DirectOptimalControl as DOC
import DirectOptimalControl as DOC
using JuMP
import Ipopt

Set solver configuration

Let us set first create an optimal control problem. The structure which stores all the data related to the optimal control problem is called OCP (Optimal control problem).


Now we will set various parameters for the solver

  • OC.tol : Sets up tolerence for the solver. In the intial run it is advisable to keep the tolerance high.
  • OC.meshitermax : This is the maximum number of iterations that the solver takes
  • OC.objective_sense: You can set two options here "Max" or "Min" depending on weather the objective is to be minimized or maximized
OC.tol = 1e-7
OC.mesh_iter_max = 10
OC.objective_sense = "Max"

Now it is time to select an optimizer. Let us select the Ipopt optimizer. The OC struct contains an JuMP model in its field OC.model. We can assign any non-linear optimizer that JuMP supports. For this reason we needed to import JuMP. It is advisable to initially keep the solver tolerance higher so that the optimizer converges. You can set all the solver specific options using the JuMP interface to aid the convergence of the solver.

set_optimizer(OC.model, Ipopt.Optimizer)
set_attribute(OC.model, "print_level", 0)
# set_attribute(OC.model, "max_iter", 500)
# set_attribute(OC.model, "tol", 1e-4)

Each OCP must contain atleast one phase. The synatax for adding the phase to an OCP is given by

ph = DOC.PH(OC)

Define the models and cost functions

Now let us define the parameters and functions which make up the model

h0 = 1                      # Initial height
v0 = 0                      # Initial velocity
m0 = 1.0                    # Initial mass
mT = 0.6                    # Final mass
g0 = 1                      # Gravity at the surface
hc = 500                    # Used for drag
c = 0.5 * sqrt(g0 * h0)     # Thrust-to-fuel mass
Dc = 0.5 * 620 * m0 / g0    # Drag scaling
utmax = 3.5 * g0 * m0       # Maximum thrust
Tmax = 0.2                  # Number of seconds

x0 = [h0, v0, m0]           # Initial state

ph.nk = 0                               # Number of auxillary phase parameters to be optimized
ph.k = @variable(OC.model, [1:ph.nk])   # Assigne them to field k in struct `ph`
OC.nkg = 0                              # Number of auxillary global parameters to be optimized
OC.kg = @variable(OC.model, [1:OC.nkg]) # Assign them to field k in struct `OC`

Auxillary parameters

Now we create a named tuple of various parameters which will be necessary while defining the problem Note that in addition to the constants defined above we can also pass two additional parameters PH.kp and OC.kg. These are additional JuMP variables which can be optimized if required. They will not be used in this example.

p = (g0 = g0, hc = hc, c = c, Dc = Dc, xh0 = h0, utmax = utmax, x0 = x0, kp = ph.k, kg = OC.kg )

ns = 3
nu = 1
n = 20

System dynamics

Note that the dyn function which defines the dynamics must be in a particular format. It must five inputs: x : The state of system at time t u : The input of system at time t t : The time t p : p is a named tuple of auzillary parameters required to define the fucntion

D(xh, xv, p) = p.Dc*(xv^2)*exp(-p.hc*(xh - p.xh0)/p.xh0)
g(xh, p) = p.g0*(p.xh0/xh)^2
function dyn(x, u, t, p)
    xhn = x[2]
    xvn = (u[1] - D(x[1], x[2], p))/x[3] - g(x[1], p)
    xmn = -u[1]/p.c
    return [xhn, xvn, xmn]

Objective Function

The objective function consists of running cost and a fixed cost. The running cost function also has syntax similar to the dynamics function. For the rocket example there is no running cost involved so the running cost function returns 0.

function L(x, u, t, p)
    return 0.0

The Final cost function involves the contribution of final state in the objective Since we want to maximize the final height the function returns xf[1]. This is because the first state denotes the height as per our definition of the heigth function.

function phi(xf, uf, tf, p)
    return xf[1]

Integral functions

Some of the problems can have integral constraints associated with them in each phase Since this problem does not have an integral constraint the integralfun will return nothing.

function integralfun(x, u, t, p)
    return nothing

Path functions

Some of the problems can have path constraints associated with them in each phase Since this problem does not have an path constraint the pathfun will return nothing.

function pathfun(x, u, t, p)
    return nothing

Adding functions and parameters to a Phase

Now let us assign the various functions defined above to the phase ph that we have created

ph.L = L      # Adding the running cost
ph.phi = phi  # Adding the final time cost
ph.dyn = dyn  # Add the dynamics
ph.integralfun = integralfun # Add the integral constraint function
ph.pathfun = pathfun # Add the path constraint function
ph.n = n    # Number of points in initial mesh
ph.ns = ns  # State dimension
ph.nu = nu  # Input dimension
ph.nq = 0   # Dimension of the quadrature (integral) constraint
ph.np = 0   # Dimension of the path constraints
ph.p = p    # Auxillary parametrs named tuple

Let us select some of the options for the phase

  • Collocation method: Two options ["hermite-simpson", "trapezoidal"]. Default is "hermite-simpson"
  • Scale: Two options true or false
ph.collocation_method = "hermite-simpson"
ph.scale_flag = true

Now let us set the upper bounds and lower bounds on all the variables pathconstaints and integral constraints. The upper and lower bounds are defined in the limits field of the PH structure. The limits feild contains ll structure which corrsponds to lower limits. The ul corresponds to upper bounds. The ll and ul structures both contain the JuMP variables on which we wanrt to apply upper and lower bounds. These are: u : Input x : State xf : Final State xi: Initial State tf: Final State ti: Initial time If we want a particular variable to have a fixwd value set both the upper limits and the lower limits to the same value

ph.limits.ll.u = [0.0]      # Lower bounds on input. Vector of dimension `nu`
ph.limits.ul.u = [p.utmax]  # Upper bounds on input. Vector of dimesion `nu`
ph.limits.ll.x = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Lower bounds on state trajectory. Vector of dimension `ns`
ph.limits.ul.x = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0] # Upper bounds on state trajectory. Vector of dimesion `ns`
ph.limits.ll.xf = [0.3, 0, mT]      # Lower bounds on final state. Vector of dimension `nu`
ph.limits.ul.xf = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]   # Upper bounds on input. Vector of dimesion `ns`
ph.limits.ll.xi = p.x0  # Lower bounds on initial state. Vector of dimension `ns`
ph.limits.ul.xi = p.x0  # Upper bounds on initial state. Vector of dimesion `ns`
ph.limits.ll.ti = 0.0   # Lower bounds on initial time. A Scalar.
ph.limits.ul.ti = 0.0   # Upper bounds on initial time. A Scalar.
ph.limits.ll.tf = 0.2   # Lower bounds on final time. A scalar.
ph.limits.ul.tf = 0.2   # Upper bounds on final time. A scalar.
ph.limits.ll.dt = 0.0     # Lower bounds on time interval. A scalar.
ph.limits.ul.dt = 0.2     # Upper bounds on time interval. A scalar
ph.limits.ll.path = [] # Lower bounds on path constraint. Vector of dimension `nu`
ph.limits.ul.path = [] # Upper bounds on  path constraint. Vector of dimesion `ns`
ph.limits.ll.integral = [] # Lower bounds on integral constraint. Vector of dimension `nu`
ph.limits.ul.integral = [] # Upper bounds on integral contsraint. Vector of dimesion `ns`
ph.limits.ll.k = [] # Lower bounds on phase parameters. Vector of dimension `nu`
ph.limits.ul.k = [] # Upper bounds on phase parameters. Vector of dimesion `ns`

Set intial values

There are two options here "Auto" and "Manual". If "Auto" option is selected one need not specify tau and other init values

ph.set_initial_vals = "Auto"
ph.tau = range(start = 0, stop = 1, length = ph.n)
ph.xinit = ones(ph.ns, ph.n)
ph.uinit = ones(ph.nu, ph.n)
ph.tfinit = ph.limits.ll.tf
ph.tiinit = ph.limits.ll.ti
ph.kinit  = (ph.limits.ll.k + ph.limits.ul.k)/2

Specify global parameters

This problem only contains a single phase. However, in problems with multiple phases there are parameters which are global to all the phases. We specify it here.

Set limits on objective function

It has been observed that it is better to not set it as in keep the value false. However, an option is provided to set upper and lower values for the objective function

OC.set_obj_lim = false
OC.obj_llim = -2.0
OC.obj_ulim = 2.0

Setting up global parameters

  • OC.nkg: Number of global parameters
  • OC.kg_llim: Lower bound on global parameters
  • OC.kg_ulim: Upper bound on global parameters

Note that these have to be passed to the function through the auxillary parameters tupple p

OC.kg_llim = []
OC.kg_ulim = []

Setting up the event function

*OC.npsi: Number of constraints in event function *OC.psi_llim: Lower bound on constraint function *OC.psi_ulim: Upper bound on constraint function *OC.psi : Function which contains the event constraints

OC.npsi = 1
OC.psi_llim = [0.0]
OC.psi_ulim = [0.0]

Not the format of he event function psi. It takes the OCP object as input. The OCP object has all the phases stored in it in the field OC.ph. Each phase has state variables which can be accessed by ph.x and input variable which can be accessed by ph.u. In this problem we want that u must have a zero value at end of the phase.

function psi(ocp::DOC.OCP)
    (;ph) = ocp

    v1 = ph[1].u[:, end]

    return [v1;]
OC.psi = psi

Callback function can be used to log variables Set it to return nothing if you do not want to log variables in mesh iterations

ph.callback_nt = (tau_hist = Vector{Float64}[],err_hist = Vector{Float64}[])
function callback_fun(ph::DOC.PH)
    push!(ph.callback_nt.tau_hist, deepcopy(ph.tau))
    push!(ph.callback_nt.err_hist, deepcopy(ph.error))
ph.callback_fun = callback_fun

Call function to setup the JuMP model for solving optimal control problem


Solve for the control and state




Display results

println("Objective Value: ", objective_value(OC.model))

# using GLMakie
# f = Figure()
# ax1 = Axis(f[1,1])
# lines!(ax1, value.(ph.t), value.(ph.x[1,:]))
# ax2 = Axis(f[2,1])
# lines!(ax2, value.(ph.t), value.(ph.x[2,:]))
# ax3 = Axis(f[1, 2])
# lines!(ax3, value.(ph.t), value.(ph.x[3,:]))
# ax4 = Axis(f[2, 2])
# lines!(ax4,value.(ph.t), value.(ph.u[1,:]))
# display(f)

# fth = Figure()
# axth = Axis(fth[1,1])
# n = length(ph.callback_nt.tau_hist)
# for i = 1:n
#     ni = length(ph.callback_nt.tau_hist[i])
#     tau = ph.callback_nt.tau_hist[i]
#     scatter!(axth,tau,i*ones(ni))
# end

# feh = Figure()
# axeh = Axis(feh[1,1])
# n = length(ph.callback_nt.err_hist)
# for i = 3:n
#     ni = length(ph.callback_nt.err_hist[i])
#     err = ph.callback_nt.err_hist[i]
#     tau = ph.callback_nt.tau_hist[i]
#     lines!(axeh,tau[1:end-1],err)
# end

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